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英语试题 家教试用

来源:51南昌家教网    点击:3082    发布日期:2010-02-03 09:02:59


卷面总分:150分  考试时间:120分钟



    1.What does the woman mean?
A.She wants to meet the man tomorrow night.  B.She will be busy every day this week.
C.She will be able to see him on another day.
2.Which program is the man going to watch first?
A.A movie.   B.A soccer game.   C.The evening news.
3.What is the man doing now?
A.He is a novelist.  B.He’s doing nothing.  C.He is a reporter.
4.How does the man finish his speech?
A.With something funny.      B.By laughing.
C.By being easy.
5.Where are the two speakers?
A.At a birthday party.       B.In the woman’s home.
C.In the hospital.
6.What did the man do at his weekend?
A.He watched TV.        B.He went to the cinema.
C.He listened to the radio.
7.Why didn’t the man enjoy the film?
A.Because his roommate talked about other things at that time.
B.Because the film is about the World War II.
C.Because he had no companion.
8.Where did the conversation most probably take place?
A.On a train.    B.On a bus.   C.On a plane.
9.What will the woman do?
A.She is going to visit her son.     B.She is going to study abroad.
C.She is going to do business abroad.
10.What is the man?
A.He is a businessman.  B.He is a student.  C.He is a government officer.
11.How are the two speakers traveling?
A.By car.     B.By train.   C.By air.
12.What is the destination of the two speakers?
A.Los Angeles.   B.San Jones.   C.San Francisco.
13.Why are the speakers going to the gas station?
A.To fill in some gas.  B.To use the bathroom. C.To ask directions.
14.Where are the two speakers?
A.At the radio station.  B.On a TV show.  C.In the open air.
15.What are they talking about?
A.Their journey.   B.The forest.   C.The birds and plants.
16.What is the woman?
A.A reporter.    B.A student.   C.An actress.
17.Where did the speech take place?
A.In a hotel.    B.In a museum.  C.In a classroom.
18.What was the place the speaker was talking about?
A.The place where people have their meals.   B.The place where people sleep.
C.The place where people cook their food.
19.What do we know about the place the speaker was talking about?
A.It was built with large windows.     B.It had a large room with a high ceiling.
C.It was full of wooden talbes. 
20.How many people were needed to cook the meal mentioned by the speaker?
A.18.     B.25.    C.100.

21.——How long are you staying?
——I don’t know. ___________.
A. That’s OK     B. Never mind   C. It depends   D. It doesn’t matter
22.——What a pity! I haven’t got a ticket for the football match tonight.
——Don’t worry. It’ll be broadcast__________.
A. live   B. lively   C. alive           D. living
23. The girl _________ more than 1, 000 English novels when she entered the senior high school.
A. has read   B. read    C. had read   D. has been reading
24. --- What do you think of Tim?
       --- He appears a kind person. I don’t like him, ________.
A. even so      B. even though     C. though       D. yet
25. Mike has been making great efforts in practice in order to _______ his dream to win championship in the coming Olympics.
       A. come about   B. come true    C. make     D. live
26. Jenny seldom goes to the cinema on Sundays, __________?
A. doesn’t she   B. is she     C. does she     D. has she
27. --- Hi! Jack, you look very tired.
--- Yes. I _______ my maths homework all day. 
A. did        B. had done     C. have done        D. have been doing
28. Lucy didn’t do well in this exam, ________ made her mother unhappy.
A. that      B. what     C. which      D. whom
29. His drunk driving _________ this accident, ________ the death of twenty people.
       A. resulted in; causing                 B. resulted from; caused
       C. resulted from; causing     D. resulted in; caused
30. ---Kate is eating less these days.
      --- Well, that’s _______ makes me feel worried.
A. because          B. what     C. why         D. how
31. That day everyone wondered _______ the baby of four went to her mother’s office.
A. how was it that     B. how it was that   C. how was it   D. how was that 
32. I don’t like the way ______ you treat me.
A. how    B. of which     C. /     D. which
33. He __________to get to the top of the hill after________ several times.
A .managed; to try      B. tried; to try
C. managed; trying      D. tried; trying
34. Witnesses _____________three people escape from the scene where the man was murdered.
A. reported to see      B. reported seeing  
C. were reported to see     D. are reported to be seeing
35.——Do remember to give Mary the money you borrowed.
——Yes, I will give it to her ____________I see her.
A. while       B. immediately  C. suddenly   D. a moment
36. The possibility that he knew about the stolen files cannot be _________.
     A. ruled out   B. made out   C. given out   D. put out
37. He devoted every spare moment to __________English,________ his wife was devoted to music.
A. study; when  B. study; though  C. studying; if   D. studying; while
38.——He __________caught in the rain yesterday and is now in hospital.
——I’m sorry to hear that.
A .had    B. is     C. got    D. had been
39. At this time next week we ___________ a football match against Class 9.
    A. are going to play  B. will be playing   C. will play      D. are to play
40. The Canadian tourist hurried to the station, only ______ that the train had pulled out of the station.
A. telling    B. to tell    C. to be told   D. having been told
A rich man was camping alone on a hill. One day it began to rain and the rain made the tent wet. At last he 41 make his way home. As he passed a beautiful house he 42 to look for rest. A lady in 43 walked past him with her 44 holding up high. Following her were her two pretty daughters. They stopped and stared at him 45 .
“Who are you? We don’t like tramps(流浪汉) going  46 our home .”one of them shouted.
“Go away at once. ”cried the other.
“But I’m not a  47 . ”said the man, “All I want is food and stay for the night.”
“How  48 you come here? Go away at once!”they  49 , “We don’t like your feet around our house. Go, go!”
The man moved on and reached a 50 house. On entering it he saw a  51 preparing their supper. Though the light was 52 and the furniture was poor, it made him feel warm and comfortable.
“Can I have some  53 and rest for the night? he asked.
“Of course, friend, ”said the woman,  54 forward a little chair for him. “We are going to  55 our supper. Come and  56 us.”
The food was not 57 but they shared it with the stranger. That night they let him sleep on their bed 58 they themselves used the stable. Early the next morning, the man said good-bye to them. Their  59 left him a memory full of thanks.
When he reached home he 60 ordered a lovely house to be built for the couple in the woods.
41.A.had to    B.must     C.should    D.would
42.A.tried   B.managed   C.asked    D.stopped
43.A.sight   B.cloth    C.silk    D.trouble
44.A.nose   B.head    C.eyes    D.hands
45.A.curiously   B.eagerly    C.surprisingly   D.angrily
46.A.around   B.over    C.to     D.at
47.A.madam   B.tramp    C.thief    D.stranger
48.A.do    B.can    C.will    D.dare
49.A.explained  B.continued   C.repeated   D.announced
50.A.big    B.small    C.lovely    D.dirty
51.A.woman   B.man    C.person    D.coulple
52.A.weak   B.bright    C.dark    D.strong
53.A.cloth   B.light    C.food    D.chair
54.A.taking   B.bringing   C.giving    D.pulling
55.A.prepare   B.cook    C.buy    D.have
56.A.join    B.help    C.attend    D.enjoy
57.A.enough   B.scary    C.short    D.lot
58.A.and    B.while    C.then    D.when
59.A.coldness   B.sickness   C.kindness   D.thank
60.A.quickly   B.finally    C.happily    D.quietly
There are some special traditions in Hawaii. People are very friendly and always welcome visitors. They give visitors a lei, a long necklace of beautiful fresh flowers. Men wear bright flowered shirts, and women often wear long flowered dresses. There are traditional Chinese, Japanese and Filipino holidays and all the holidays from the United States. They call Hawaii the Aloha State. Aloha means both hello and good-bye. It also means “I love you.”
Usually when people from different countries, races and traditions live together, there are serious problems. There are a few problems in Hawaii, but, in general, people have learned to live together in peace.
Hawaiians get most of their money from visitors, and most of the visitors come from the mainland and from Japan. There are so many people living in Hawaii now where there used to be farmers. Some of the big sugar and apple companies have moved to the Philippines, where they do not have to pay workers as much money. The families of the first people who came from the US mainland own the important banks and companies. Japanese are buying or starting business.
61. A good title for this article might be___________.
A.Hawaii the Aloha State    B.Living in Peace Together
C.The Flowers of Hawaii    D.The Problems of Hawaii
62. The author wants to show in the second paragraph that __________.
A.Hawaii is the most peaceful place in the world
B.it is possible to learn to live together in peace
C.it is not possible to live together in peace
D.Hawaii is the only place where there is peace
63. ________ plays an important part in the development of Hawaii.
A.Modern industry      B.Agriculture
C.The air line       D.Business in travel
Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities(设施) to the full.
Dining Room
Breakfast is served in the dining mom from 8 to 9:30 a.m.. Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7 a.m., if you place an order for it by telephone. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed. Lunch: 12:00 to 2:30 p.m.
 Dinner: 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Room Service
This operates 24 hours a day. Phone the Reception Desk, and your message will be passed on to the room staff.
To make a telephone call, dial 0 for Reception and Laundry (洗衣店), and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staff are very busy. There are also public telephone booths(电话亭)near the Reception Desk. Early calls should be booked with Reception.
The hotel shop is open for souvenirs(纪念品), gifts and toiletries(化妆品)from 9 a.m. to 5:30p.m.
We have a laundry on the premises(附属)and will wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to phone the laundrymen to collect them.
The hotel bar is open from 12 to 2 p.m., and 7 p.m.  to 2 a.m.. The Reception staff will cash cheques and exchange money in many foreign currencies(货币).
64.The announcement(通知) mainly gives us information about ________.
A.facilities in the hotel     B.providing passengers all kinds of service
C.the ways of serving     D.carrying out the promise of the hotel
65.The card in a bedroom of the hotel is announced that ___________.
A.you should keep silence when walking past the room
B.the passenger of the room is taking a rest
C.the waiters mustn’t enter the room
D.any visitors won’t bother the hotel guest
66.You have arrived to stay at the hotel at 2 a.m., and want a snack(快餐), What should you do ?
A.Go to the hotel shop.     B.Go to the hotel bar.
C.Give a message to the waiter.   D.Phone Reception
Pop music is the name for different forms of popular, commercial(商业) music. It had its beginning in the USA and spread throughout the whole world during the 1950s and 1960s. It is widely liked by the young people. The best known early form of pop music was “rock’ n’ roll”; another was “blues”. A more recent development is “folk-rock”. Pop music has taken the place of native music in many parts of the world; it has caused the number of people for jazz to become much smaller than it was in the 1950s and earlier, and it has now begun to rule musical stage productions. It’s a big industry. Much pop music is without artistic value, but the work of some pop singers, e.g. the Beatles, Bob Dylan, the groups like Floyd and Crosby, Stills and Nash, is on a higher musical level. And there is still a great interest in it today. Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world.
67. All of the following forms belong to pop music EXCEPT __________________.
A. blues       B. rock’ n ’roll     C. jazz       D. folk-rock
68. According to the article, the number of people for jazz in the 1950s and earlier was ___________ it is today.
   A. much greater than   B. much smaller than    C. as great as     D. as small as
69. Which of the following is TRUE?
   A. No pop music is on a high musical level.
   B. Much pop music is very artistic.
   C. Pop music is highly artistic.
   D. Not all pop music is without artistic value.
70. “It is a big industry” means that _______________.
   A. it makes a lot of musical instruments (乐器)
B. it is a big musical and commercial business
C. the pop singers are very hard-working
D. pop music is on a very high musical level
  Invention of TV began in 1922 in Rigby, Idaho, the hometown of Philo. At the age of 16, Philo was a very shy boy. Only his teacher, Justin Tolman, realized that Philo was a special person.
One day after school Mr Tolman found Philo in the schoolroom. The boy was making drawings on the blackboard.
“What are you doing?” Mr Tolman asked with interest. “What are these drawings?”
“I want to invent things,” Philo answered, “and these are the drawings of one of my first inventions. I have an idea for a way of sending pictures through the air. Please, just let me tell you about it. You are the only person who can understand what I have done.” In the school library Philo had read about a man who had worked on an idea for TV, but had failed. Philo was sure that his idea was better and that he could succeed.
Mr Tolman was not sure and asked Philo many questions about the drawings. Giving facts and figures, Philo answered every question.
In 1926, Philo sent his drawings to Washington, along with a letter asking for patent (专利)rights on TV. Since then, television has become an important business all over the world.
71. When he lived in his hometown, Philo was ______________________.
A. quite different from others
B. an activity boy
C. an inventor
D. a hard-working boy
72. When Philo said “ You are the only person who can understand what I have done.”, his mood(情绪) was_________.
A. discouraged    B. guilty      C. trusting       D. hopeless
73. It took Philo ________ to invent the television.
   A. 2 years        B. 4 years       C. 6 years        D. 8 years
74. Philo ________ after he invented television.
   A. asked for the patent rights on television
   B. sent his drawings to Mr Tolman
   C. answered Mr Tolman’s questions
   D. gave facts and figures to Mr Tolman
    75. When Mr Tolman saw Philo’s drawings, he ______________________.
  A. did not believe it was Philo’s invention
  B. believed Philo could succeed
  C. did not believe Philo could succeed
  D. believed Philo was a special person
                          第二卷 (非选择题,共35分)
76. Our teacher asked us to make p____________ for the coming final examination.
77. His wet coat was __________(证据)that he had been outside.
78. Working as a guide is a ___________(挑战)job.
79. As the old saying goes, practice makes p_____________.
80. The visitors ___________(在场的) are from Hong Kong. 
81. The ____________(政府)is taking some measures to improve people’s living conditions.
82. We should work out ____________(定期地) in order to keep fit.
83. The police are looking into the c___________ in the remote village.
84. A t___________ is a person between the ages of 13 and 19 .
85. People are looking forward to living in h___________ with nature.

M:  Jane, I hear that you are leaving school now. What do you want to do?
Have you made up your (86) m       __ yet?                     (86)        __
W:  No, not yet. But I think I’m going to take up (87) s       __.   (87)        __
M:  Any special (88) r       __?          (88)        __
W:  Yes. It’s because I am (89) g       __at singing songs.     (89)        __
All my classmates say so. (90)B       __, singing is quite interesting  (90)        __
and you meet a lot of the audience.
M:  And you will have to (91) p       __ them, too.      (91)        __
W:  Well, you do it in any job, don’t you?   
M:  And what do your parents think (92) a       __it?     (92)        __
W:  They don’t quite agree with my idea. That’s the only (93) t       __.  (93)        __
M:  Yes, um… my parents are trying to send me to an art (94) c       __  (94)        __
because they want me to be an actor.         
W:  Then what will you do.
M:  Well… I haven’t (95) d       __ yet.        (95)        __
But I usually get my own way in the end.
活动前 活动后
3、购物、等车不能遵守秩序 1、积极参加大扫除,废物放入垃圾箱

The activity of being a good student and good citizen has been held since the beginning of this term in our school. Everybody has taken an active part in it.





1—5:CBAAC  6—10:BACAB  11—15:ACCCB  16—20:ABCBB
21—25:CACCD     26—30:CDCAB     31—35:BCCBB     36—40:ADCBC
41—45:ADCBD  45—50:ABDCB  51—55:DACBB  56—60:AABCA
61—63:ABD  64—66:BBD  67—70:CADB       72—75:ACBAC
76. preparations 77.evidence  78. challenging  79. perfect  80.present
81. government 82.regularly 83.case    84.teenager  85. harmony
86. mind   87. singing   88.reasons   89. good   90. Besides 
91. please  92. about     93.trouble   94.college  95. decided
One possible version:
The activity of being a good student and good citizen has been held since the beginning of this term in our school. Everybody has taken an active part in it.
In the past, we didn’t have the habit of keeping our classroom and campus tidy and even threw waste anywhere. We weren’t polite enough to our teachers and sometimes forgot to greet them. While doing some shopping or waiting for a bus, some of us jumped the queue instead of obeying the rules. But now everyone is willing to do cleaning and sort the waste before throwing it into dustbins. Everybody has respect for our teachers and helps them with something. In public places, we try to wait in line and offer seats to the old on the bus.
What great changes have taken place! We do hope every student can keep it up

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